Related talks

1.   ILUPACK toolbox for MATLAB
Braunschweig, February 8, 2012.
Author(s):  Matthias Bollhöfer
Download: pdf   

2.   Preconditioning symmetric and highly indefinite problems
Minneapolis, April 14, 2011.
Author(s):  Matthias Bollhöfer
Download: pdf,    anderson.m

3.   Challenges for Matrix Preconditioning Methods
Preconditioning 2005, Atlanta, May 19, 2005.
Author(s):  Matthias Bollhöfer
Download: pdf   

4.   Inverse-Based Multilevel ILU Preconditioners --- Theory, Applications and Software
8-th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, March 28-April 02, 2004.
Author(s):  Matthias Bollhöfer and Yousef Saad
Download: pdf   

5.   ILUPACK --- An Introduction
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, April 09, 2004.
Author(s):  Matthias Bollhöfer
Download: pdf   

Related papers

2012/1   ILUPACK
Invited Book Chapter in Springer Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing, David Padua (Ed.), Springer, pp. 917-926, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-387-09765-7 DOI:10.1007/978-0-387-09766-4
Author(s):  J.I. Aliaga, M. Bollhöfer, A. Martin and E. Quintana-Orti.

2012/2   Block preconditioning strategies for high order finite element discretization of the time-harmonic Maxwell equations.
Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2010, Mathematics in Industry, Vol. 16, B. Michielsen, J.-R. Poirier (eds), p.25-34, 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-22452-2.
Author(s):  Matthias Bollhöfer and Stephane Lanteri.

2011/1   Exploiting Thread-Level Parallelism in the Iterative Solution of Sparse Linear Systems.
Parallel Computing 37(3):183-202, 2011. ISSN: 0167-8191. DOI:10.1016/j.parco.2010.11.002.
Author(s):  J.I. Aliaga, M. Bollhöfer, A. Martin and E. Quintana-Orti.

2009/1   Algebraic Multilevel Preconditioner for the Helmholtz Equation in Heterogeous Media
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 31(5):3781-3805, 2009. ISSN: 1064-8275. DOI:10.1137/080725702
Author(s):  M. Bollhöfer and M. Grote and O. Schenk.

2009/2   Evaluation of Parallel Sparse Matrix Partitioning Software for Parallel Multilevel ILU Preconditioning on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors.
`Parallel Computing: From Multicores and GPUs to Petascale'. B. Chapman et al. eds. p.125-132, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60750-529-7. DOI:10.3233/978-1-60750-530-3-125
Author(s):  J.I. Aliaga, M. Bollhöfer, A. Martin and E. Quintana-Orti.

2008/1   Design, Tuning and Evaluation of Parallel Multilevel ILU Preconditioners
High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5336 (J. Palma et al. eds.), pp. 314-327, 2008. ISBN 978-3-540-92858-4. DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-92859-1_28
Author(s):  J.I. Aliaga, M. Bollhöfer, A. Martin and E. Quintana-Orti.

2008/2   Selected SIGEST paper: On Large Scale Diagonalization Techniques for the Anderson Model of Localization.
SIAM Review, 50(1):91-112, 2008. ISSN: 0036-1445. SIGEST Introduction by the Editors. DOI:10.1137/070707002
Author(s):  Olaf Schenk, Matthias Bollhöfer, Rudolf A. Roemer

2007/1   Parallelization of Multilevel Preconditioners Constructed from Inverse-Based ILUs on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors.
In `Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications'. C. Bischof et al. eds. p.287-294. 2007. ISBN 978-3-9810843-4-4.
Author(s):  J. I. Aliaga, M. Bollhöfer, A. F. Martin and E. S. Quintana-Orti.

2006/1   Multilevel preconditioners constructed from inverse-based ILUs.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 27(5):1627-1650, 2006. ISSN: 1064-8275. DOI:10.1137/040608374
Author(s):  Matthias Bollhoefer, Yousef Saad

Last modified: October 01, 2012