Several routines MC64,... are not found by ILUPACK.
ILUPACK only offers interface
drivers that allow to use MC64, MC21,... once the
associated library is available.
These codes are NOT DISTRIBUTED with ILUPACK.
For more information please visit the associated web pages or contact
the authors.
In particular following reordering routines are supported but not included.
MC64 (mc64i*(...) and mc64a*(...)).
MC64 is copyrighted software by the HSL (formally known as
Harwell Subroutine Library) and
Is there a Windows version of ILUPACK?
Right now, Windows is not supported, maybe at some time in the future...
Is there a parallel Version of ILUPACK?
For the symmetric positive definite case, an implementation of ILUPACK
using OpenMP has been tested, it has not been generalized to the non-SPD cases.
Further developments based on MPI are under investigation for the SPD case.
Yet, a parallel version of the library still requires some more time.