ILUPACK V2.4 (inverse technology
ILUPACK provides several multilevel ILU preconditioners for general real and complex matrices as well as real and complex symmetric (Hermitian) positive definite systems.
The basic idea of ILUPACK is based on inverse-based ILUs, that are incomplete LU decompositions that control the growth of the inverse triangular factors.

ILUPACK V2.4 update 2016

New features

ILUPACK V2.4 released June 2011

New features

ILUPACK V2.3 released December 2010

New features

ILUPACK V2.2 released November 2008

New features

ILUPACK V2.1 released in January 2006

New features

ILUPACK V2.0 released in May 2005

New features

ILUPACK V1.1 released on December 3, 2004

New features

ILUPACK V1.0 released on May 14, 2004
Last modified: August 31, 2016